Government Funding and Collaboration

This page offers pointers to information about public (governmental) funding addressing climate, health, and equity. 

Foundations and donors may find this information useful for understanding public funding flows; identifying opportunities for  philanthropic action, such as supporting community engagement, capacity-building, or advocacy; and/or for identifying governmental counterparts for public-private funder dialogues. 

Practitioners may find this information helpful for understanding public funding flows; identifying opportunities for community engagement or advocacy; and/or identifying funding opportunities relevant to your organization, issue area, or community.   

This page is organized into four sections:

  1. Information on Current Public Funding Opportunities including the Justice40 Initiative and newly-legislated federal funding
  2. Hubs of Collaboration for / with Government Funders (organizations supporting interaction among US city, county, state, federal, tribal government, and/or other funders)
  3. US Federal Agencies & Programs Addressing Climate, Health, & Equity (alphabetized list by US federal agency or office)
  4. US City, County, and State Agencies & Programs Addressing Climate, Health, & Equity (alphabetical list by US State) 

This is not a comprehensive list; contact organizations listed for more.  Help us improve this resource by suggesting additions or corrections.

1.  Information on Current Public Funding Opportunities

This section highlights resources about new & current public funding related to climate, health, and equity, as well as technical assistance in navigating public funding opportunities.

    Information on Justice40 Initiative 

    Federal Government Resources related to Justice40:

    The Justice 40 Initiative was established by Executive Order 14008 "with the goal of delivering 40 percent of the overall benefits of climate, clean energy, affordable and sustainable housing, clean water, and other federal investments to disadvantaged communities and tracks performance toward that goal through the establishment of an Environmental Justice Scorecard."  For more information, see the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) information in section 2 below and:

    Nonprofit Resources Related to Justice40:

    Information on Relevant Funding through the Inflation Reduction Act

    Federal Government Resources related to the IRA

    Nonprofit Resources Related to the IRA

    Information on Federal Infrastructure Funding

    This section offers pointers to information about federal infrastructure funding via the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that is related to climate, health, and equity.  See also Section 3 with more information on federal agencies distributing infrastructure funding, including Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security, and Interior, and US Environmental Protection Agency.

    Federal Government Resources on Infrastructure Funding:

    Nonprofit Resources on Infrastructure Funding:

    • Brookings Federal Infrastructure Hub, Brookings Metro resource page to help practitioners, policymakers, and journalists better understand what the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) includes, how it works, and how specific programs can benefit particular places.
    • Demystifying Federal Funding Webinar Series. SPARCC (Strong, Prosperous, and Resilient Communities Challenge) webinars and background resources related to transportation and other infrastructure-related spending. 
    • Rural Capacity Map identifying communities where investment in staffing and expertise are needed to support infrastructure and climate resilience projects, Headwaters Economics (2022)

    Technical Assistance on Accessing Public Funding

    • Justice 40 Accelerator shares information, resources, and capacity with frontline community organizations to formulate projects and apply for funding opportunities presented by the Justice40 Initiative.   
    • Thriving Communities Program of the US Department of Transportation is being established to provide technical assistance and capacity building to help communities access federal funding and make transportation improvements.  

    2.  Hubs of Collaboration for/with Government Funders  

     Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

    Bureau of Indian Affairs

    • Tribal Resilience Program funding supports tribes, tribal consortia, and authorized tribal organizations to build adaptation and resilience.  

    Federal Health Systems Learning Network

    • Learning network for federal health systems (VA, IHS, DoD) to support implementation of Executive Order 14057 on greenhouse gas emissions.  Coordinated by Office of Climate Change and Health Equity, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

    National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO)

    National Caucus of Environmental Legislators

    • NCEL state exchanges on climate and energy, environmental health, environmental justice

    The Funders Network 

    • Partners for Places matching grant program supporting partnerships between local US and Canadian city and county government sustainability offices and place-based foundations, focused on enhancing local capacity to build equitable and sustainable communities. Supported by TFN in partnership with the Urban Sustainability Directors Network.

    Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project 

    Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN): 

    U.S. Department of Agriculture

    US Global Change program

    White House Council on Environmental Quality

    • White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council  established to advise the Chair of the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the newly established White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council (IAC) to increase the Federal Government’s efforts to address environmental injustice. 
    • Manages Justice 40 Initiative established by Executive Order 14008 "with the goal of delivering 40 percent of the overall benefits of relevant federal investments to disadvantaged communities and tracks performance toward that goal through the establishment of an Environmental Justice Scorecard." See  also Justice40 information in section 1 above. 


    3.  US Federal Government Agencies & Programs Addressing Climate, Health, & Equity 

    See also:

    Federal agencies and programs below are listed alphabetically by agency.  

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

    Department of Agriculture (USDA)

    Department of Energy

    Department of Health and Human Services

    • Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE) addresses the impact of climate change on the health of the American people.  Helps coordinate climate & health action within HHS, federal health systems, and with other federal departments and the private sector. Priorities include climate & health resilience for the most vulnerable; climate actions to reduce health disparities; health sector resilience & decarbonization.  

    Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

    Department of Homeland Security

    •  Flood Mitigation Assistance Program provides funding to states, local communities, tribes and territories for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings,

    Department of Transportation

    • Thriving Communities Program of the US Department of Transportation is being established to provide technical assistance and capacity building to help communities access federal funding and make transportation improvements. 

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    For up-to-date information about Environmental Justice funding opportunities, events, and webinars, subscribe to EPA's Environmental Justice listserv by sending a blank email to: Follow EPA on Twitter: @EPAEnvJustice

    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

    National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

     National Science Foundation

    • Global Change Program supports research and related activities on mitigation, adaptation, and other responses to a changing and variable environment. 

    • Joint funding with NIEHS of climate-related research on links between oceans, lakes, and human health.

    4.  US City, County, and State Agencies & Programs Addressing Climate, Health, & Equity  

    (listed alphabetically by state)